Monday, December 15, 2014

posada pińatas

Once again the Friends of Nueva Vida, the International Women's Club, and the Merida Men's Club have come together to help make the holidays a little brighter for the families of the girls at Estancia Nueva Vida (NV).

For the past 2 months I have been collecting things, and cash, and then shopping for fun stuff to use to fill the pińatas for the families of the girls attending NV.  Oh, and of course for the candy, because, what fun would a pińata be without candy, lots n lots of candy.

Last week Deyanira and I met at Nueva Vida to fill the pińatas that would be distributed to the 24 families that represent the 28 girls, yes, 28 girls being helped at Nueva Vida.

and here you'll see some of the girls receiving the pińatas that they will take home and share with their families for the holidays.

Thank you so much to each of you who contributed goods or cash to fill the pińatas.  There were so many cool things added to the candy, things for girls, boys, moms, and dads.